1000 +

Current Validators


Current Supernods


Validators behave the shareholders of FaxChain platform

Validators provide the computing resources for FaxChain, they help to decentralize the network and secure the ledger through participating in consensus, and process transactions with high performance.

Validator Rewards

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Block Protocol Rewards

The validator rewards are delivered by issuances from the inflation of each protocol-defined block.


Delegating is the process of token holders to stake tokens and vote to validator nodes. Token holders are rewarded by validating the ledger through delegating their stakes to validator nodes.

SuperNode & StandardNode

Supernode is the validator node which reaches the 23 top-ranking by votes weighted, the rest are standby validators nodes (Standardnode). Supernodes are rewarded by 19.6% of inflation from each outcoming block weighted equally. Standardnodes are rewarded from the rest 78.4% according to the vote-weighted.

Validating on FaxChain

Validators behave the shareholders of the FaxChain network, by processing transactions and participating in consensus, each validator helps make FaxChain the most configurable and valuable blockchain network in the world.

Anyone who interesting in FaxChain.

Validators can earn FAX by helping secure the ledger and decentralize the FaxChain network.

Go to Get Start below, check out the FaxDoc on technical requirements and steps to start your own node.

Join our official community on Telegram for validators . This is the best place to get technical support and ask questions.

Get started

The staking rewards are delivered by issuances from the inflation of each protocol-defined block.

Server Guide

The server guide is to help new validators get started on FaxChain network, by providing access to friendly & stable server providers.

Delegation explorer

View the current list of validators, their ranking by stake amount, and information about rewards.

Validator Program

All validator participants are eligible to receive a support fund the FaxChain Foundation.